Home Grown Food
Local Food Producers
Concerned about chemicals, what’s IN your food and what you are feeding your family? Then there is no better way to shop than straight from local food producers.
Besides supporting your local farmers and other food producers, buying your food locally makes sense for the economy, for the ultimate freshness and it’s better for the environment.
Bakeries, Sweets and Other Treats
Fort Saskatchewan
- A Hint of Sweet- Custom cakes, cupcakes and cookies. Shop in person or online. W: https://www.ahintofsweet.ca/
- Caught in the Cookie Jar – Gourmet cookies, cookie dough and brownies. Shop in store, online or find them at the Farmers Market. W: https://caughtinthecookiejar.ca/
- Freson Brothers – Classic grocery store (local to Alberta), featuring a pretty good bake shop. W: https://www.freson.com/mother-dough-bread-co/
- Miller's Ice Cream – Everyone’s favourite local summer ice cream shop, with instagrammable walls - located at the iconic train station downtown Fort Sask. W: https://www.facebook.com/MillersIceCream1985/
- Sweet K&A Bakery – Delicious local bakery featuring all the classics, cinnamon buns and soft pretzels. Shop online or in person. W: https://www.sweetkabakery.com/
- The Cotton Candy Shoppe - Premier cotton candy maker. Find them at their store, online or at select grocery outlets. W: https://thecottoncandyshoppeltd.ca/
Sherwood Park
- Caketime Bakery – Dessert shop and custom cakes. Order in person or online. W: https://www.instagram.com/caketime2011/
- Choclination - Homemade artisan chocolates (including sugar or gluten-free!) and gifts. Shop online or find them at select retailers. W: https://choclination.ca/
- Confetti Sweets – Cookies, cakes, cupcakes and cookie dough. Shop in store, online or at select retailers. W: https://www.confettisweets.com/
- Crinkle Minkle – Crinkle cookies, home-based bakery. Shop online. W: https://www.crinklemingle.ca/
- Everyday Food Co. – Baking, scones, bread and other treats. Drop by in person or phone to order. W: https://www.facebook.com/p/Everyday-Food-Co-100068674332762/
- Jacek Chocolate Couture - Designer of fine, fashionable chocolate and the occasional tasting party. Shop in-store or online. W: https://jacekchocolate.com/
- Malina Ukrainian Bakery – Sweet & savoury buns, cakes, pastries and frozen Ukrainian food. Shop in-store. W: https://malinabakery.ca/
- Sherwood Park Bakery - Local favourite donut shop, fresh bread and donuts daily. W: https://sherwoodparkbakery.com/
- Sugar Bear Baking - Offering cakes and baked creations; in-person visits by appointment. W: https://sugarbearbaking.wixsite.com/sugarbearbaking
- Sweet Creations by Johnlory - Local bakery featuring the standard + Filipino delicacies. Shop in-store. W: https://sweetcreationsbyjohnlory.com/
- Teresa's Custom Cakes - Dream cake creations and cake night parties. W: https://www.teresascakes.ca/
- Wishes Bake Shop – Desserts, specialty cakes, macarons and custom orders. In person or online. W: https://wishesbakeshop.com/
- Wow! Factor Desserts - Mouth-watering desserts, retail & wholesale. Retail outlet in Sherwood Park. W: https://www.wowfactordesserts.com/
Grains, Dips, Soups & Condiments
- Boe’s Pickled Goods [Sherwood Park] – Pickled goods and homemade jams. W: https://www.boespickledgoods.com/
- Chicks n Chaps [Fort Saskatchewan] – Grainy mustards, horseradish and condiments. W: https://www.facebook.com/ChicksnChapsAB/
- Sherwood Park Soups [Sherwood Park] – Delicious gourmet homemade soups packs, just add water & simmer. W: https://www.sherwoodparksoups.com/
- Strathcona Stoneground Organics [Strathcona County] Wholegrain oats, flour, and baking mixes. W: http://www.strathconastonegroundorganics.com/
- The Soup Company [Strathcona County] – Dry packaged soup, biscuits and cookie mixes. W: https://www.thesoupcompany.ca/
- What the Dip? [Fort Saskatchewan] Appetizer dips and delicious creations. W: https://www.facebook.com/whatthedip/

Honey Producers
- Beanstalk Honey [North Cooking Lake] – Varietal honey and beekeeping workshops. W: https://northcookinglake.com/
- Beaver Creek Honey [Beaver County] – Locally sourced honey and products. W: https://www.beavercreekhoney.ca/
- Nossa Farm [Strathcona County] – Bees and honey. W: https://www.nossa.ca/
- Oldman Creek Apiary[Sherwood Park] – Beekeeper & honey producer. W: https://www.facebook.com/stickybusinessab/
Eggs, Meat & Protein Suppliers
- Cabbage Town [Ardrossan] – Farm fresh eggs. No website, but you can find them here - https://www.localcounty.ca/cabbagetown
- Butcher Block & Smokehouse [Sherwood Park] Butcher shop offering locally sourced products. W: https://www.facebook.com/ButcherBlockSmokeHouse/
- Charlie's Place [Sherwood Park] Family-run meat shop & catering company using local and ethically sourced proteins. W: https://www.facebook.com/charliesmeatss/
- Fellowship Farms [Strathcona County] – Grass-fed, hormone free Alberta beef. W: https://fellowshipfarms.ca/
- Fin's Select Meats & Seafood [Sherwood Park] Obviously, the seafood is shipped in, but the beef is local. W: https://shop.finsselect.ca/
- Freson Brothers Fresh Food Market [Fort Saskatchewan] Alberta grocer, featuring locally sourced products. W: https://www.freson.com/the-butcher-shop/
- Kastelen Sausage & Fine Meats [Ardrossan] Custom curing and processing, specializing in sausage. W: https://www.kastelenmeats.ca/
- Meat Me at Codiak [Ardrossan] – Humanely raised, grass-fed, hormone free Alberta beef. W: https://www.meatmeatcodiak.ca/
- Pumpkin Hill Farm [Ardrossan] – Farm fresh, free-range eggs and pumpkins (in-season only). No website, but you can find them here - https://www.localcounty.ca/pumpkinhillfarm
- Ribeye Butcher Shop [Sherwood Park] – Fresh meat and prepared foods. W: https://ribeyebutcher.ca/pages/locations
- Fairfolk Farms [Strathcona County] – Fresh vegetables, fresh fruit and preserves. W: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090305793782&mibextid=ZbWKwL
- Finnegan Acres [Strathcona County] – Fresh veggies, eggs and sunflowers. Book time in the sunflower garden! W: https://www.facebook.com/finnegan.acres
- JW Farm Fresh Greens [Fort Saskatchewan] Microgreens, garden vegetables, sourdough bread. W: https://www.instagram.com/jw_farm_fresh_greens/
- Naked Greens [Bruderheim] – A division of Thiel’s Greenhouse, hydroponic fresh produce. W: https://nakedgreens.ca/
- Northline Farms [Strathcona County] Fruit, veggies, flowers and herbs. W: https://www.northlinefarms.com/
- Pumpkin Hill Farm [Strathcona County] Seasonal veggie boxes, pumpkins and squash. W: https://www.localcounty.ca/pumpkinhillfarm
- Vertical Roots [Strathcona County] Locally grown, hydroponic greens. Free of chemicals and picked fresh on day of delivery! W: https://verticalrootsedmonton.ca/
Orchards and U-Picks
"Berry" delicious opportunities to pick your own fruit, enjoy a winery tour or even plan some events in a pretty little orchard.
- Attracted to Apples - U-Pick apples near Fort Saskatchewan. W: https://www.attracted2apples.com/
- Boreal Harvest Farm - Honeyberries and U-pick Christmas trees. Just north of Highway 16, near Elk Island National Park. W: https://www.borealharvest.com/
- Creekside Saskatoon Berry Farm - U-Pick berries, just north of Greenland Garden Centre on the north side of Highway 16. W: https://www.facebook.com/CreekSideBerryFarms?mibextid=LQQJ4d
- Lamberry Ranch - U-Pick berries, just north of Highway 14, between South Cooking Lake & Hastings Lake. W: https://www.facebook.com/LamberryRanchAB/
- The Berry Farm - Berries, jams and strawberry plants for sale in Colchester. Some U-Pick is available, as are seasonal products. W: https://theberryfarm.ca/
Didn't find what you're looking for? Try these great sites...
- Forage Market – Farmers Market products delivered right to your door. W: https://foragemarket.ca/
- Local County - Connecting Local (Alberta) Producers with Local Buyers. W: https://www.localcounty.ca/