Horse Capital of Canada?
When Statistics Canada conducted a horse count survey in 2011, Strathcona County and the Edmonton region were crowned the Horse Capital of Canada! In 2018, CBC media outlet stated that Strathcona County has one of the highest per capita horse populations in Canada. That’s kind of cool, especially if you are fond of our tall four-footed friends.
Rural Strathcona County enjoys world class training facilities and top-notch horse breeders. Want to treat your animal-loving child to an amazing, unique birthday party? Try one of the birthday party packages that the local equine centres have to offer!
Riding Lessons and Other Equine Experiences
- Birch Bay Ranch - W: https://www.birchbayranch.com/ - Lessons, arena rentals, hay rides and trail rides..
- Gorsline Stables - W: http://www.gorslinestables.com/ - Boarding, horse training and lessons. Indoor, outdoor arenas.
- Highland Park Equestrian - no website - Lessons, boarding, horse training, indoor arena and trail riding.
- Keno Hills Stable - W: http://kenohills.com/ - Boarding, lessons, breeding. Birthday parties and trail rides.
- New Horizon Ranch - W: http://www.newhorizonranch.ca/ - Summer Camp Lessons, stallion services and horses for sale.
- Paints-Plus Equine Centre - W: http://paints-plus.com/ - Equine therapy, lessons, boarding, day camp and birthday parties. Indoor & outdoor arenas with indoor spectator waiting/viewing lounge.
- Regency Equine Equestrian Centre - (no website) at Colchester Farms - Board & lessons, all disciplines welcome. Onsite coaches.

Equestrian Trails
- Cooking Lake – Blackfoot Provincial Recreation Area
- Blackfoot Grazing Reserve
- Ministik Bird Sanctuary
- Elk Island Park – Hayburger Trail
- Trail Riding - W: https://www.atra.ca/
Gymkhana and Riding Clubs
- Colchester & District Ag Society - W: https://colchesteragsociety.org/
- Josephburg Riding Club - W: https://josephburg-ag.ca/josephburg-riding-club/
Horse Sales, Boarding & Breeding
- Carousel Ridge - W: https://carouselridge.com/ - Breeding, sales and horse training.
- Courier Equine Park. No website.
- Jean’s High Cotton Stables. No website.
- Saddle Creek Ranch - W: https://www.saddlecreekranch.ca/ - Breeding, boarding & sales of performance horses.
- Trendsetting Stables - W: https://trendsettingstables.com/ - Horse riding lessons, boarding.

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